4-Piece Paddle FAQ
How to Assemble Your 4-Piece Paddle
So, you’re dusting off your paddling gear, and getting ready for the next adventure on the water. You’ve got your PFD. Your boat’s looking ready for action. Ah, but your 4-piece paddle? It’s in a jumble of shafts and blades on the floor. You could’ve sworn last season these pieces all went together to form your trusty Aqua Bound companion. But now, no matter which way you twist, flip and turn the pieces, they just don’t seem to want to go together.
What’s a paddler to do?
Well, before you call it quits, give the rest of this article a read. Let us quickly break down (See what we did there?) how to determine which piece of your paddle goes where, and how to avoid a paddle puzzle in the future.
First, gather all of your paddle parts and pieces and take an inventory. Each of Aqua Bound’s 4-piece paddles are quite simple: two blades (left and right) and two shaft pieces (left and right).
Whether you own a Shred, Sting Ray, Manta Ray, Whiskey or Tango, all of the above information remains true. Each blade will detach from the shaft pieces using a metal snap button. Each half of the shaft will connect in the middle with one of our three ferrules: the metal snap button, the Posi-Lok™ or the Versa-Lok™. No matter your variation, each model will consist of 4 parts.
Next, view the image below to see what your Aqua Bound paddle should look like when disassembled. Regardless of model, you should have two blades, each with their Aqua Bound logos upright, and easily read. Likewise, the Aqua Bound logo stamped onto the shaft should also be upright, easily read and located near the middle of the shaft.