SUP- 10 Rookie Mistakes

So you’ve decided to dive into the world of SUP. You’ve got your new SUP board and Aqua-bound SUP Paddle and are ready to hit the water…or are you?

standup paddleboard rookie mistakes

It’s true—one of the allures of SUPing is that it’s relatively easy to learn. But there are still a few things you’ll want to make sure you have squared away before entering the water. There may be other hobbies or activities you can just “wing it.” SUPing should not be on that list!

1. Not Wearing a Life Jacket

This one isn’t just a rookie mistake. Many in the SUP world neglect this #1 safety requirement. Make sure you wear a PFD. Some of the newer models are far less bulky than they used to be. Read more…

2. Paddle is Backwards

All of Aqua-Bound’s SUP paddles have a 10º bend in the shaft. It’s very common for new paddlers to assume the blade should bend towards you as you paddle—that’s backwards! The blade should bend away from you for an effortless and efficient stroke.

3. Leash Isn’t Attached

Your paddleboard’s leash is there for a reason—so you won’t get separated from your board in case you fall in the water. The stronger the surf, the more important it is to stay attached.

4. Standing in the Wrong Place on the Board

Place your feet shoulder-width apart in the middle of your board. That’ll give you the best stability and best control.

5. Looking Down Instead of Where You’re Headed

It may seem counter-intuitive, but you’ll actually be more stable and paddle more naturally if you look ahead instead of down at your board. That’ll also prevent you from paddling into other objects!

6. Not Knowing Paddling Etiquette

Larger boats that can’t pivot or stop easily always have the right-of-way. Be aware of who’s around you and be courteous.

7. Paddling Out of Your Element

If you’re new, get used to paddling basics first before heading out into high surf and currents. Start with flat water and work your way up little by little.

8. Just Using Your Arms

Paddleboarding is an all-body sport. Your core, back and legs are major components of each stroke, not just your arms. You’ll have more power, more efficiency and less muscle soreness overall.

9. Not Falling Correctly

Don’t fall on your board! Get wet before risking injury. Do your best to fall to one side or the other, and be careful surfacing in case your board is right above you.  

10. Poor Tie-Down on Your Vehicle

If your board flies off your vehicle while you’re driving, you not only risk damaging your board beyond repair, but it’s dangerous for other drivers around you. Follow tie-down instructions and be sure it’s good and snug before heading out.

Get to know what NOT to do from this list, and you’ll be on your way to an enjoyable SUP career. Practice still makes perfect, but getting off on the right foot will help you get there sooner!

Do you have questions? Our Wisconsin-based Customer Service Team is ready to help! Email: [email protected] • Phone: 715-755-3405

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