Testing my new paddle

The people who now me also know that I mostly paddle with a Greenland paddle. But sometimes I need something with some more "punch" inte the paddle, mostly when surfing and rock hopping.
With my new Whiskey Carbon paddle I got just that. Very light, favors a high angle paddle draw and got just the torque I need when punching through the waves. It also gives me the support I need for the low or high brace to avoid swimming. After some thorough testing I just love it! I will not give up my Greenland paddles for everyday use and longer trips but for the times where there is more action I can't think of a better paddle.

Last weekend in August every year there is the biggest kayak symposium in Sweden, Stockenträffen. 400-500 kayakers meet during a the weekend for lectures, classes, and just guided day trips. A perfect place for kayaking with sheltered waters and not too far out to the open sea. It is two hours drive north of Gothenburg on the Swedish west coast at the North sea (Kattegatt).
I lead some groups during the Saturday but on Friday and Sunday I try to go out with some friends to play in the rougher waters to have some fun. Most years my daughter Paula is with me and she is getting to be an accomplished kayak surfer and rock hopping paddler. She is using the Manta Ray Carbon paddle and is equally pleased with that.

Here are some photos of us using my Valley kayaks, the black Anas Acuta and the red Gemini SP.

Over the top


Paula surfing


Rock hopping



Kayak surfing



Paula in action



Punching through a wave