The Versa-Lok™ Ferrule System = Easy Versatility

Aqua Bounds' Versa-Lok™ adjustable ferrule system (new to our 2023 product line) offers you the ultimate in kayak paddle versatility and usability. Whether you’re a recreational flatwater paddler, a seasoned touring kayaking, an avid packrafter—you’ll love this durable and easy-to-use ferrule.
There are two big advantages the Versa-Lok™ ferrule gives you:

Up to 15 cm of Length Extension

With the Versa-Lok™ ferrule, you can add up to 15 cm to your paddle’s length. This is ideal for any of these situations:

  • You use different boats that have different widths.
  • Others will share your paddle, and you’re not all the same height.
  • You fish from a kayak that has an adjustable-height seat.
Versa-Lok Ferrule System

A paddle with the Versa-Lok™ can adapt to each of these situations by increasing or decreasing in length to fit the boat or the paddler. 

Infinite Feathering Angles

When you kayak or packraft in windy conditions, the ability to finely-tune your blade angles—known as feathering—can be a big help. It means less wind resistance for the blade that’s in the air on each stroke.
The typical snap-button ferrule offers two angles: 0º and 60º. The Versa-Lok™ ferrule, gives you unlimited feathering angles—360º of angles to play with. You get to decide what works best for you and paddling style.

Why is Versa-Lok™ the New Standard in Adjustable Ferrule Systems?

Versa-Lok™ is a truly revolutionary system. It uses a simple and tight-fitting locking mechanism you can be confident in. In our point-bend, break strength testing we challenged this ferrule both retracted/closed and fully extended. It passed our tests with flying colors, surpassing what we believe are industry standards.

Electric Green Manta Ray being paddled in Zakynthos Greece

Versa-Lok™ is constructed of plastic, nylon and stainless steel with very few parts for a ferrule this tough. The plastic material is dense with nylon, which has proven to resist cracking or losing any of its clamp-ability as it gets older. It’s practically maintenance-free, other than rinsing it of debris after you use it.
Do you regularly paddle in salt water? No worries. Versa-Lok™ is extremely corrosion resistant.
Not only that, you don’t need an engineering degree to use it. Simplicity was high on our list of required design features. Versa-Lok™ is easy to adjust while you’re on the water, even in mid-stroke.
With Versa-Lok™ we offer kayak paddles that are both shorter and longer than our previous models: from 200 cm to 255 cm: 200-215 cm, 210-225 cm, etc., up to 240-255 cm.

Precision tightened at our Wisconsin factory, the Versa-Lok™ system is designed to never need maintenance, and comes ready to paddle, with no adjustments required or recommended (see FAQ).

Aqua Bound Paddles with Versa-Lok™

We offer four kayak paddles with the Versa-Lok™ ferrule system:
  • Sting Ray Hybrid Versa-Lok™: Our best-selling kayak paddle, now with our new Versa-Lok™ ferrule system. The blades are 92.5 square inches, constructed of fiberglass-reinforced nylon, with a 100% carbon shaft. Available in White and Sunset Red; 2-piece; 32 ounces.
  • Sting Ray Carbon Versa-Lok™: Identical to the Hybrid, but with carbon-reinforced nylon blades. Available in Black; 2-piece; 30.25 ounces.
  • Manta Ray Hybrid Versa-Lok™: The Manta Ray is the high-angle counterpart to the Sting Ray. Its fiberglass-reinforced blades are a bit larger at 102.5 square inches. It has the same 100% carbon shaft. Available in White and Sunset Red; 2-piece; 34 ounces.
  • Manta Ray Carbon Versa-Lok™: Carbon-reinforced nylon blades drop this paddle’s weight by 2 ounces, bringing it to 32 ounces; 2-piece, available in Black. 

Do you have questions for our Wisconsin-based Customer Service team? Get in touch with them today: 715-755-3405 •