Aqua-Bound’s “Edge” Whitewater Canoe Paddle

canoeists in whitewater(photo courtesy of Paul Villecourt/Outdoor Reporter)

For whitewater canoeists, Aqua-Bound’s Edge canoe paddle is a durable and affordable choice that provides maximum power in every stroke.

The Edge is designed with open whitewater boaters and C1 paddlers in mind. Its low-swing weight paired with the comfortable and maneuverable T-grip make it an easy choice.

Edge Shaft & Grip Construction

The lightweight carbon straight shaft of the Edge is ovalized for a natural hold. It’s designed with our Ultimate T-grip, which is both very comfortable and gives you all the control you’ll need on the river.

The Edge is available in a 1-piece model, or if packability is important, also in 2 or 3-piece models. They break down for easy travel or as a spare paddle in your boat. The 3-piece model is popular with packrafters as an extra paddle, as it stows easily onboard small boats.

canoeists with Edge canoe paddles
(photo courtesy of Explore the Backcountry)

Edge Blade Construction

The Edge features a blade that’s a beefy 129 square inches, along with a full-sized curve for added power. It’s constructed of abX carbon-reinforced nylon that’ll take a beating on the rocks and whatever else the river dishes out.

The end of the blade is squared-off to allow you to make the quick strokes and turns needed for whitewater canoeing.

Edge Sizes and Price

Each Edge model weighs 26.5 ounces and is available in lengths from 50 to 60 inches, in 2-inch increments. To size yours, sit on a hard chair and measure from the seat of the chair between your legs to your nose to get your torso size. Then follow this chart for your paddle length:

canoe paddle sizing guide

Here are the suggested retail prices for each model:

  • Edge 1-piece sells for $119.95
  • Edge 2-piece sells for $139.95
  • Edge 3-piece sells for $149.95

Do you have more questions about our Edge whitewater canoe paddle? Contact our Wisconsin-based Customer Service team today: 715-755-3405 •

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