Kayaking in Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Quebec [Video]
ProStaffer and Paddle Tales host Ken Whiting takes us with him as he kayaks the waters of the Abitibi-Témiscamingue region in southwest Quebec…
This 40,400 square-mile area includes boreal and deciduous forests, waterways, islands, wilderness camping and paddling at its finest. The Abitibi-Témiscamingue Tourism website says:
“The region’s 22,000 lakes and rivers have significantly contributed to the region’s expansion, providing for more than two hundred years the only passageway to explorers who ventured across the region. Even today, water plays a key role in the life of the people of Abitibi-Témiscamingue…Here, the water is known for its outstanding quality.”
A comment Ken makes in his video: “Paddling will take you to places that are inaccessible otherwise. It’s all just a few paddle strokes away.”
This is true no matter which type of boat and paddling you choose:
With 22,000 lakes and rivers, there’s no lack of canoe options here. The hard part will be knowing where to launch! Do you want wilderness? Civilization? Day trip or camping trip? Perhaps start with an outfitter for a guided trip or route suggestions.
Abitibi-Témiscamingue Tourism suggests outfitters here.
Flatwater Kayaking
Kayaking is another paddle option on these pristine lakes. You’ll see some of Ken’s footage in the video below of his paddle on Lake Témiscamingue (that’s the French version of Lake Tamiskaming, the Algonquin name).
This immense, deep lake forms part of the border between Quebec and Ontario.
(Ken uses a Trak touring kayak—essentially a “kayak in a bag”! Very portable, yet very durable and offers great performance.)
Whitewater Kayaking
A world-class whitewater paddler for a couple decades, Ken wants to tackle the roiling rapids of the Kipewa River when he’s in Abitibi-Témiscamingue.
He says his motivations have changed over his 30 years of river paddling. These days paddling with other passionate paddlers is the best part for him.
“Water is big, powerful and pushy. One of life’s best lessons can be learned on the river—go with the flow rather than against it.”
An Outdoor Playground
Besides paddling, the Abitibi-Témiscamingue region offers so many more outdoor recreation opportunities: hiking, camping, dog sledding, skiing, snowshoeing—plus a vast array of cultural activities.
Watch Sea Kayaking in Abitibi-Témiscamingue with Ken Whiting:
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