A Packrafting Power Couple

 dave waters and dee maurice, packrafting power couple

Dave Waters and Dee Maurice, a packrafting power couple

Healthy relationships take trust, commitment, and dedication. This packrafting power couple takes the importance of these elements to a whole new level.

William (Dave) Waters is an international expedition facilitator, and an incident commander for humanitarian operations for natural disasters and medical missions. Deanna (Dee) Maurice is a critical care paramedic.

They got to know each other while they both served on a short-term assignment at a medical clinic in Greece. Here’s their story:

“The trust factor and the relying on each other was very important to both of us. We wanted to be a team,” Dee shared.

Those who’ve spent time in outdoor adventure pursuits are well aware how these activities present the perfect scenario for people to have to work together and form partnerships. Whether it’s rock climbing, wilderness backpacking or paddling trips—the outdoors is an ideal environment for developing that trust and reliance.

Dave introduced Dee to whitewater paddling, specifically in a packraft. She was hooked!

packrafting power couple

He said, “I knew she was a keeper because she bought a packraft immediately! I love packrafting because it allows me to literally go and touch the source of the water. It is the best way to access remote lands without breaking your back. It opens up a whole new trail system.”

This power couple has plans to take on big expeditions like summit-to-sea adventures in South America. They know that’ll require thorough conditioning, so they’re preparing by paddling the whitewater rivers closer to them in the meantime. And by focusing on their teamwork.

Trust and communication are key in these challenging environments, as they both know.  When those are solid, they can push themselves to do more than they’ve done before.

on the rocks

“We take our strengths and we pack them on top of each other,” said Dee. “Think about water. It has its calm moments and it has its raucous moments. That’s like the yin and the yang coming together. I am the yin to his yang.”

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