Yes! Kayaking is one of the easiest entry-level activities for kids. Children as young as four or five can kayak in some conditions with no experience.
If you’re on the lookout for a wonderful way to get kids more interested in the great outdoors, water activities are a perfect place to start. In this blog, we dive into tips to get kids started paddling and learn about 5-year-old Astrid's first time packrafting!
When you’re considering what to wear kayaking, one of the most important safety tips to keep in mind is: dress for the water temperature, not the air temperature. Dress as if you’ll be in the water…just in case you end up in the water.
Celeste Ireland and her family started kayaking together regularly during the lockdown year of 2020. After an overload of kayaking photos on her personal Instagram page, she decided to start a new public page devoted to their kayaking adventures.
In this video, kayak pro and Aqua-Bound ProStaffer Ken Whiting and his family take us on some beginner-friendly whitewater on the Ottawa River. This short film, part of the Paddle Tales series, was selected for the 2020 Kendal Mountain Festival...
When we get kids into paddling—kayaking, SUP, canoeing or packrafting—they can have a lifetime of fun and adventure on the water. But how young can they start?