Paddling Education

A New Zealand Packraft Film Explores River Running in the 70s

Filmmaker, Aqua Bound partner and New Zealander Deane Parker recently produced another packrafting film. It was selected by the UK’s prestigious Kendal Mountain Film Festival in 2024, as well as the New Zealand Mountain Film Festival.

Packrafting the John Day River: Double Rainbows and the Doors of Destiny
Scott Nechemis is an avid backcountry backpacker, but this was his first time packrafting. He, his partner Jordan McKinney, and Aqua Bound ambassador Dan Ransom took an overnight trip to the John Day River. This blog encapsulates his experience.
Aqua Bound's Posi-Lok™ Ferrule System
A ferrule system is the mechanism that connects the two halves of a kayak paddle together in the center. Aqua Bound’s Posi-Lok ferrule system makes it super easy to connect, disconnect and change feathering angles.
Packrafting Adventures on New Zealand’s Waingaro River
Deane Parker, filmmaker and outdoor adventurer, joined a few of his mates for a hike-in packrafting trip down the Waingaro River in his native New Zealand.
New Whiskey and Tango Kayak Paddle Color: Northern Lights
We’re excited to announce a brand new color pattern for our best kayak paddles, the Whiskey and Tango, for 2022: Northern Lights.
Our Whiskey Fiberglass Kayak Paddle Wins “Best in Class”
We’re so pleased that PaddleTV just announced Aqua Bound’s Whiskey Fiberglass kayak paddle as a “Best High Performance Paddle of 2021”! Paddle TV’s Ken Whiting gives the round-up of their Top 5 Kayak Paddles of 2021 in this video…
Kayak Paddles: High-Angle vs. Low-Angle
If you’re new to kayaking, you might think “a paddle is a paddle.” But before long you’ll learn there’s a big difference in the types of paddles available. One of the major differences is in choosing between a high-angle and a low-angle blade shape.
The Benefit of High-Visibility Kayak Blades
As a kayaker, you’re one of the smallest boats on the water, especially in big water. One of the best ways to be seen by other boaters is to use a kayak paddle with high-visibility blades along with bright-colored clothing and gear.
Bikerafting 101: Helen’s Journey in New Zealand
Would age stop you from learning how to bikeraft? It didn’t stop Helen Nugteren. She signed up for a brand new bikerafting course in her native New Zealand at the age of 68.
Aqua Bound’s Manta Ray vs. Whiskey Kayak Paddles
Our Manta Ray and Whiskey kayak paddles are both high-angle paddles designed for power and speed. Let’s compare the two models to see how they’re different…
Meandering the World with the 4-Piece Whiskey Fiberglass

Canadian travel writer and international tour guide, Rachel Bertsch, brings us along with her to northwest British Columbia where she put the Whiskey Fiberglass to the test…