Paddling Education

The Shred Carbon Paddle for Whitewater Kayaking [Video]
More than any other water sport, whitewater kayaking demands a comfortable and high-performing paddle. It’ll take a lot of abuse, so you’ll want the best one you can afford.
Why Spend More on a SUP Paddle?
When it comes to buying a stand-up paddleboarding (SUP) paddle, the rule of thumb is to buy the lightest one you can afford.
Choosing a SUP Paddle - Part 2
Choosing a stand-up paddle to accompany your board is an important decision that’ll affect your enjoyment of paddleboarding. There are three main considerations when selecting the right paddle for you and your board:
The Forward Paddle Stroke in Kayaking

Get the most from your paddling adventures by learning the proper forward paddle stroke in kayaking. In this video, Ken Whiting explains and demonstrates the proper forward stroke technique.

Florida Panhandle Vacation Fishing
My cousin got married in Santa Rosa Beach, FL last month, which provided my family a great opportunity to go on a week long beach vacation. Baton Rouge has been pretty chaotic lately so it was nice to get out of town for a while.
31 Tips for Cold Weather Paddling (Not Including "Move to Hawaii"!)
In 2010, Rob Casey, a long-time stand-up paddler and instructor, wrote the first comprehensive guide to stand-up paddling, titled, appropriately enough, Stand Up Paddling. In that book, Rob provides tips on how to extend your paddleboarding season into the cold weather months.
Choosing A Stand Up Paddle
Just like any paddle sport, if your paddle is weak, it doesn't matter how nice your boat or board are. The paddle you choose can truly impact your SUP experience, so making sure you get the right one is worth the research.
Choosing A Kayak Paddle
If you're new to kayaking or would just like to learn more about some of the different types of kayak paddles, this is a great place to start…
10 Tips for Getting Really Good at Paddleboarding
Paddleboarding, or SUP, is the fastest growing sport in the US. Paddleboarding offers a fun, relaxing way to play on the water and get some exercise.
Palmer Rapids, ON, February 26, 2014 – Rapid Media boosts paid circulation of Adventure Kayak by acquiring subscribers of recently discontinued Sea Kayaker magazine. Adventure Kayak is now the only North America-wide magazine delivering the 100-percent kayaking editorial these enthusiasts...
Inflatable SUP Boards

Inflatable stand-up paddle boards are a major player in the overall SUP market, and for good reason. Let’s take a look at why an inflatable SUP may be the best choice for you…

How to Best Handle Wind and Current when on the Water

Wind and current are two natural elements you’ll face often on the water. Learn to work with them—and know when it’s just not worth it—and you’ll enjoy your paddling more…

Extreme Kayak Fishing
With the blow up of kayak fishing and the evergrowing improvements to kayaks and kayak fishing gear it was only a matter of time before someone had the bright idea to launch through the surf and chase the bluewater monsters that have always been out of reach of the land based angler.
Surge Carbon Paddle
I've been very impressed with my Surge Carbon Paddle since I got it a few weeks ago. It's a beautiful paddle.